Singing Guide: Holly Brook

Singing Guide: Holly Brook

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Holly Brook Hafermann, better known as Skylar Grey, is known for her distinctive voice and emotional performances. Her soaring melodies and powerful vocals have captivated audiences worldwide.

If you're a fan of Holly Brook and want to learn to sing like her, it's important to understand her unique vocal techniques and practice regularly. In this article, we'll give you some tips on how to get started and share some of her best songs to help you showcase your new skills.

Breath Control

Breath control is a crucial element of Holly Brook's singing style. The ability to control your breath and use it effectively will make your voice sound more powerful and expressive. To improve your breath control, try some basic breathing exercises like the Farinelli Breathing exercise.


Another key element of Holly Brook's singing is her use of vibrato. Vibrato is the fluctuation of pitch that occurs when you sing a sustained note. It's a subtle effect that adds depth and emotion to your singing. To develop your vibrato, try practicing exercises like the Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce.

Chest Voice

Holly Brook also uses her chest voice to add richness and depth to her singing. To use your chest voice effectively, practice exercises like the Singing Comfort Zone and Chest Voice Explained. These exercises will help you find your chest voice and use it to its full potential.

High Notes

One of the most challenging aspects of learning to sing like Holly Brook is controlling your voice's high notes. To develop your range and control your high notes, practice the Glottal Onset exercise and the vocal range test offered by Singing Carrots.

Iconic Songs

Now that you have some tips, let's move on to some of Holly Brook's most iconic songs. These songs are great examples of her unique vocal style and will help you showcase your new skills:

  1. Love the Way You Lie - This hit song by Eminem features Holly Brook's soaring vocals on the chorus. It's a great example of her emotional, powerful singing style.
  2. Coming Home, Part II - This solo track by Holly Brook showcases her vocal range and control. It's a great song to practice your vibrato and chest voice.
  3. Words - This beautiful ballad is a great example of Holly Brook's ability to convey emotion through her singing. Practice your breath control and dynamic range with this song.
  4. Final Warning - This upbeat track features Holly Brook's high notes and intricate vocal runs. It's a great challenge for your range and control.

To summarize, learning to sing like Holly Brook requires practice, patience, and a good understanding of her unique vocal techniques. Focus on your breath control, vibrato, chest voice, and high notes, and practice regularly with her iconic songs. With enough dedication and effort, you'll be singing like Holly Brook in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.